Saturday, December 8, 2012


sup y'all.  so yeah i warned you that i'm the worst blogger ever.
BUT my excuse is my ridiculous new job, which means $$$MONEY$$$ (yay!!!!!) but way less free time (booooo), and getting way underpaid and being tired a lot.

anyway, i'm super excited about the toulouse pullover from the winter issue of knitscene:

 it's basically perfect.  and i found out (using mad calculator skillz) that for a mere $10 extra, i can use aslan trends royal alpaca (yummmmm) instead of the classic elite mountaintop vista.  i can't waiiiiit to get started.

also i actually feel like making gifts for people this year...  bradley is of course getting his obnoxious lime green socks...  and then basically everyone else is getting bunny slippers (tiny owl knits's hopsalots).  trying to pick colors for everyone is so hard!  and i don't want everyone to end up with something they hate...  this is why i'm a selfish knitter!  ugh.  at least the pattern's easy.

the teen bitch denim jacket is coming along nicely...  i've already dyed it once, but the black dye just made it a darker navy/purply blue (i used rit dye).  so i'm probably going to dye it again, maybe using a higher-quality dye?  if anyone actually reads this thing, i'd love some suggestions!  anyway, the patch design is going well, i'm just not sure how else i'd want to embellish the jacket.  i made a pin already, i'm not sure if i want to put some spikes or studs on the shoulders, or spray some bleach onto black lace and sew that on, or sequins, or what.  oh, and we're slowly starting to work on music and whatnot.

bleh bleh bleh i have to go to work soon.  hopefully i can remember to post stuff more regularly.  i guess when i actually have stuff to write about?