Monday, August 20, 2012


what up!  all the yarn i was initially planning on getting rid of is now listed on ravelry!

here are some photos for your viewing pleasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and there is even more!  so, you can get to my ravelry through that cute little "r" button over there on the right if you wanna buy some yarn, or get rid of some of that black yarn in yr stash!

ok!  that's all for now!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

oh gaaaaahwd y'all

by y'all i mean the nobody i'm typing this to

so basically fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu because i have to go get my brain scanned and have machines strapped to my head and junk.

also i need $$$ c.r.e.a.m. get the money dolla dolla bill y'all $$$

to buy things like fabric and yarn and amazing jewelry and tattoos...  and to pay for doctors ew boring

yeah, so the only thing that's left to do with my mega-destash is to take photos of the yarn and put it up for sale/trade.  i have a specific yarn wishlist so...  yeah....

but um, i have:
  • a huge amount of rowan big wool in a variety of colors
  • a bunch of rowan felted tweed in various colors
  • blue sky alpacas organic cotton in a really great shade of green (i think the colorway is pickle)
  • and uh...  i can't remember, but that might be it?  but seriously, you would not believe how much rowan big wool i have.  i might be willing to part with some other things, like i have a ton of dark purple malabrigo worsted...  but yeah...  also i need a job.

anyway, my brain's screwed up, i need money, i've got some yarn i'll be selling (or trading), needin' a job, gotta save a lot of money, etc.

'cause i'm probably moving in november/decemberish...  yes!

ok yeah pictures will be taken tomorrow.  so look out.